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Stretching guides below. For Calisthenics Bodyweight Resistance and Isometrics Strength Exercises, Advanced Integrations and Challenges (including 30D Programs) visit Workout Directory Page.
*Consult your physician if unsure of any movements are appropriate for you.
Deep Breathes, walking or any cardio including the following for minimum 5 Minutes recommended before beginning programs. SpeedFit programs done with pace are cardio benefitting strength training & multi-beneficial programs for your heart and body health.
Light bounce, knees back or can replace with jumping jacks.
Add slight jumping bounce to increase cardio intensity.
Exhale at the sides brace feet and slight knee bend.
Heels ahead of center feet flat. Assist weight to hold back stretch.
Hold hang and hold legs in front or with straight or knees bent.
While holding position in hang use toes to initiate controlled twist.
Hands shoulder width on bar, bend with straight back, sink shoulders.
Lower bar to about top of head. Shoulder width grip relax abdominals.
Progression from stretch #5 twist one foot behind over other.
Bar at top of head height step one leg over other into stretch.
Using towel or bar pad for comfort fold leg up on bar gently lean forward.
Step forward ahead of bar releasing hip flexor, bend knee if needed to start.
Bar height to your comfort, gently lean into the hip flexor stretch.
Bar height to your comfort, progression is stand tall and side bend toward bar.
Bar set to comfort and use hands grip to control forward bend and depth.
Using side structure for bracing, reach and twist torso to stretch chest and back.
Bar at mid chest height, grip far side of bar to pull into twist.
Bar around chest height, heels ahead of base center, reach back into twist.
Bar set top of head, grip bar palm away from body, bend into & deepen stretch.
Bar chest height. Use towel or bar pad, handstand into bending knees to hang.
Using towel or bar pad with bar at 6" below waist level, bend over bar to release back.
Bar shoulder height, palm facing up grabs bar next to head, turn body to stretch.
Bar set just above shoulder, push up into bar gently, deepen by bending neck away.
Bar set where hand just stretches to reach, bend neck away opposite to grip.
Seated on bar, holding one side palm facing away, pull up on bar and neck away.
Bar set around head height, gently flow into deep side stretch, step over to support.
Bring bar down to about elbow height when seated. Pull gently to deepen stretch.
SoloStrength Lifestyle Products designs, builds, and delivers speciality exercise equipment for maximizing training utility in small spaces, and providing workout solutions for people who desire to have their best fitness. We care about our customers and work to support their fitness success. Busy people in pursuit of excellence know that time is the currency and lifelong fitness is their fuel. WE GOT YOU.
We are a 15 Year old Company comprised of a small but highly dedicated team to providing best solutions for supporting performance oriented people to squeeze all they can from life. Canadian founded, North American based and serving the International marketplace, we are passionately delivering to our customers the same benefits of SoloStrength training systems that we enjoy with our families too.